Update your CBT training
It is vital that therapists of all disciplines continually update their training with regard to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. However, as we all know, everything is changing, at pace. And hopefully the majority of the changes we see and experience are positive. It seems that just about every day we read of new developments in AI, and how it will impact on almost everyone’s life within just a few years. But, we will have to wait and see...
In therapy things changed around 60 years ago, when Aaron Beck first developed Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Just ten years later, the American psychotherapist and psychologist, Dr. Albert Ellis, created and developed Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) in New York. Since then, REBT like CBT has benefited from ongoing research along with a wide level of general acceptance. Some academics describe REBT as a ‘smarter, more effective approach to treatment’ than CBT. It is of course true that the two approaches have much in common. But it is also true that in the last fifty years not much has changed.
Update your CBT training
To stay informed and up-to-date on developments in the field of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy it is recommended that therapists explore and understand the dynamics of the new, some would say, ‘elegant’ version of CBT that is TCBT, or Pause Button Therapy. Professor Philip Zimbardo, of Stanford University is just one of the academics to recognise and endorse the approach. TCBT has also featured in several European university psychology conferences.
Update your CBT training
Both therapists and their patients/clients have welcomed TCBT. But just why is it proving so popular? Most believe it is because the approach is results focused. The TCBT client experiences very fast and much appreciated progress. And, as a result, the therapist benefits from seeing satisfied, rapidly improving client groups. Additionally, the therapist can experience an elevated level of positive feedback and outcomes. So, what is it? TactileCBT (TCBT) is a 'twist' an 'add on' or possibly an 'alternative' to traditional Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. In a nutshell it's a therapy that comes with an interactive tool. Consequently, unlike traditional Cognitive Behaviour Therapy which is passive, PBT is tactile. Read on this website just why so many practitioners around the world have endorsed it.
Of course it is always advisable for both new therapists in training and other more established professionals to also continue to consult reputable sources. This includes scientific journals, professional organisations, conferences, and books by experts in the field. These sources will normally provide the most current and reliable information on the latest research, techniques, and best practices in CBT.
Below you can purchase and download the latest (TCBT) Therapist Training Manual, along with a re-printable Client manual.
Pause Button Therapy 'Therapist Training Manual' and 'Client Work Book'
The extensive Pause Button Therapy Therapist Training Manual is in PDF format for immediate download. You can read more details about the manual in the Training section of this website. The manual also includes a multi-print PDF copy of the Client Work Book, enabling therapists to supply the work book to their clients, either free of charge, or for a small fee.
We accept payments either by credit, or debit card, as well as PayPal, for all of our Pause Button Therapy products. Firstly, just click on the "Buy Now" button. Then you can either log in to your PayPal account, if you have one, or you have the option to pay by bank card.
The cost of the complete PBT Therapist Training Manual, including a multi re-printable copy of the Client Work Book, is £54.00
- Summarise the origins of Pause Button Therapy/TactileCBT and the developmental process that has led to its current position in the therapeutic field.
- Describe the theories and research that underpin TactileCBT.
- Explain the differences between TactileCBT and other CBT-based interventions, and the contribution that it makes to the field of therapy.
- Demonstrate how Pause Button Therapy/TactileCBT can enhance and further develop current clinical practice.
- Show how you can apply Pause Button Therapy/TactileCBT techniques to improve the well-being and outcomes of clients immediately.
Following the Introduction section, the manual is broadly divided into three sections:
- Theoretical Framework
- Working With Clients
- Evidence Based Therapy Introduction
Pause Button Therapy Client Work Book
The Pause Button Therapy Client Work Book is available independently as a PDF download for just £6.95
The PBT book is an effective 'Self Help' tool for those who wish to introduce change into their lives. However, it seems that clients who are working alone, without the input of a therapist, may require further assistance. We are now pleased to be able to offer the Client Work Book, which covers in detail:
- How Pause Button Therapy/TactileCBT can change your life.
- The alternative choices and actions you have.
- How to develop an emotional connection.
- Introduction to Time Perspective, and its importance.
- The role of thoughts
- Encourages the recording of your therapy journey.
PBT Wristbands and Cards

The PBT cards are of 'credit card' size and quality. Each one has a slot cut out, so you easily fit it on to your key ring. Or alternatively, you can keep it in your credit card wallet. The PBT embossed silicone wristbands are available in two sizes, small and large, and are in the pack with the PBT card.
As stated in the PBT book, we have found that clients generally benefit from the tactile use of the cards and wristbands. However, many therapists globally have informed us that the use of any, locally purchased wristbands, can deliver a similar result. The price of a pack of two cards, and two wristbands (one large and one small) is just £8.95 inclusive of postage and packing, within Europe. The cost inclusive of postage and packaging for international clients is £12.95. Clients are also encouraged to consider buying the Client Work Book; details are above. Therapists, or organisations, requiring multiple cards and wristbands, can contact us for pricing variations.
Update Your CBT Training
Pause Button Therapy, published worldwide by Hay House. How helpful would it be if we could occasionally just pause: freeze time for a few moments and consider the consequences of the actions we are about to take?
Pause Button Therapy is a proven, innovative and interactive new therapy technique that allows you to do exactly this, empowering you to break free of negative habits and unconscious responses. PBT is based on an incredibly simple idea but it can be used for a whole host of issues. It provides additional thinking time, allowing a person to consider the potential consequences of their actions and adjust their behaviour accordingly. PBT has been hugely successful in the treatment of everything from addiction and weight issues to depression, anxiety and relationship problems, and this book will show you the many ways in which you can use it to transform your experience of life.
"The Pause Button Therapy Book clearly describes a technique that can be employed to very good effect in a range of therapies. I recommend its use" Windy Dryden PhD, Professor of Psychotherapeutic Studies, Goldsmiths University of London.
Order the book from Amazon.
Pause Button Therapy/TactileCBT is for anyone who's ever made a mistake in their life and wants to strive to never make one again. It is for anyone who wants to make a real change in their lives.
Pause Button Therapy/TactileCBT Blog
Keep up to date with the latest news and trends about Pause Button Therapy and TactileCBT by visiting our Blog page. New in-depth info is added periodically, so make sure you bookmark the page and visit regularly. Click here to see what everyone is talking about. Feel free to also share the link with your friends.
Contact Us
If you require any additional information around Pause Button Therapy and Tactile CBT, the PBT Cards and Wrist Bands, Work Books, or the new Therapists Training Manual, email us today. We will be pleased to answer any outstanding questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you soon and maybe helping you change your life, or, of course, assisting you to help others.