The new PBT – TactileCBT downloadable training Manual is now available. The extensive manual covers areas including the Origins and Core Principles of the therapy. A full Theoretical Frame work along with a full explanation regarding working with individual clients. In addition to the Therapists Training Manual a multi print Client Work Book is included.
We are delighted to now have available our PBT Client Work Book. It has been written to assist both clients working alone or for those working in-conjunction with a therapist. It explains in detail how to make the most productive use of PBT, at your own pace. If you Want Change in your life, then along with the Wrist Bands and Cards you will have all the tools required.
“He’s quite a lot calmer and I can see him thinking before he does something. Even though some things still get to him, he gets over it a lot quicker and he’s not hitting out.”
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